in English

Bio- ja elintarviketekniikan koulutusohjelma

Principle of year

Target of education

Common Basic Studies

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

International and intercultural skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
KIEL0144Communication in ProjectsP32.year**
KIEL0145Workshop Course of Technical EnglishP32.year***
KIELB0020Professional SwedishP3Not defined***
MATLB0005Basic course in statisticsP32.year*

Professional Studies

Safety and quality skills

Expertise in living and other biological materials

Technological and economical skills in bio and food processes and in production systems

Ethical and Ecological Skills


Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

International and intercultural skills

Economical Skills

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
B0001Fluid mechanics and dynamicsP32.year*****
B0022Heat TransferP32.year*
KEML0038Physical ChemistryP42.year****
KEMLB0011Labs in Physical ChemistryP32.year*****
B0017Laboratory course on microbiologyP32.year*****
B0090Biochemistry 1BiotekniikkaP42.year*******
B0066Food ChemistryElintarviketekniikkaP32.year*******

Optional Professional Studies

International and intercultural skills

Expertise in living and other biological materials

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Ethical and Ecological Skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge


Communication and interpersonal skills

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
B0084Biochemistry 2V32.year******
B0008Biochemistry, laboratory courseV32.year*****

Elective Studies

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
KIEL0066Basic SwedishT33.year

Product development and project skills

Communication and interpersonal skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
B0501Industrial placement 1P151.year****

Principle of year

Target of education

Common Basic Studies

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
TUOLB0078Managerial and Financial AccountingP53.year**

Professional Studies

Safety and quality skills

Expertise in living and other biological materials

Technological and economical skills in bio and food processes and in production systems

Ethical and Ecological Skills


Economical Skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Communication and interpersonal skills

International and intercultural skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

Product development and project skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
B0087Unit operations in biotechnologyP43.year*****
B0088Automation and ElectronicsP33.year******
MATLB0120Mathematical Methods for Biotechnology and Food EngineeringP33.year*
MATLB0121Mathematical Methods of BioinformaticsP33.year*
B0027Enzyme TechnologyBiotekniikkaP33.year*******
B0091Fermentation TechnologyBiotekniikkaP43.year*****
B0034Food TechnologyElintarviketekniikkaP33.year**********

Optional Professional Studies

Product development and project skills

International and intercultural skills

Safety and quality skills

Expertise in living and other biological materials

Communication and social competence

Ethical and Ecological Skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Economical Skills


Technological and economical skills in bio and food processes and in production systems

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

Knowledge of environmental technology

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

Knowledge of chemical engineering

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
B0012Food AnalysesV34.year*********
B0042Environmental BiotechnologyV3Not defined*********
B0054Sensory EvaluationV33.year***********
B0038Molecular BiologyV33.year******
B0039Gene TechnologyV33.year******
Y0086Waste Disposal TechnologyV33.year*****

Elective Studies

Product development and project skills

Communication and interpersonal skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
B0501Industrial placement 1P151.year****

Principle of year

Target of education

Common Basic Studies

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Communication and interpersonal skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences

Professional Studies

Safety and quality skills

Expertise in living and other biological materials

Technological and economical skills in bio and food processes and in production systems

Ethical and Ecological Skills


International and intercultural skills

Product development and project skills

Economical Skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

Knowledge of chemical engineering

CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
B0086Bioproduction Plant Design Project44.year*****
B0067Technical documentation and CAD34.year
B0082Food Manufacturing TechniquesElintarviketekniikkaP34.year************
B0037Food PackagingElintarviketekniikkaP34.year***********
Y0031Kone- ja automaatiotekniikkaP34.year*
B0004Material and Mechanical EngineeringKone- ja automaatiotekniikkaP34.year
B0051Introduction to Maintenance TechniqueKone- ja automaatiotekniikkaP34.year*
B0024Chemical Engineering, laboratory courseKone- ja automaatiotekniikkaP34.year*
B0095Occupational Safety and Well-beingKone- ja automaatiotekniikkaP34.year*******

Optional Professional Studies

Safety and quality skills

Expertise in living and other biological materials

Technological and economical skills in bio and food processes and in production systems

Ethical and Ecological Skills


International and intercultural skills

Product development and project skills

Economical Skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

Knowledge of environmental technology

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

Knowledge of chemical engineering

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty

communication, information and publishing processes and technologies

branch-specific knowledge in digital and graphic media industry

Development skills in Order-Delivery �processes

Technical and economic way of thinking

Competence in manufacturing activities

Ability to communicate visually

Competencies for society and organisations

Competence of production technology / engineering

Communication and social competence

Knowledge of communications� history and traditions

Personal development

Knowledge of communications� business methods

Marketing skills

Comprehensive competence in organization development

Technical and economic way of thinking

Competence in principles of business operations

Software engineering

Information systems

Information security


CodeNameModuleCrYearRelated competences
B0028Laboratoryproject on fermentation technologyV34.year*****
B0030Laboratoryproject on downstream processingV34.year*****
B0032Hygiene, laboratory courseV34.year************
B0053Food Technology, laboratory courseV34.year***********
B0041Animal BiotechnologyV34.year*****
B0043New Biotechnology, laboratory courseV34.year********
B0094System biology and PhysiologyV34.year****
Y0070Renewable Energy TechnologyV34.year*****
B0018Environmental BiotechnologyV34.year
B0062Environmental MonitoringV34.year*******
B0063Life-Cycle AssessmentV34.year
Y0071Introduction to Environmental ManagementV34.year****
Y0084Control of Water PollutionV54.year*
Y0034Control of Air PollutionV34.year*
Y0085Control of Soil and Ground Water PollutionV44.year*****
V0047Graphics TechnologyV32.year**
L0006Transport Systems IV32.year***
L0007Warehouse and Automation TechniquesV32.year**
MGSA1018Packaging DesignV32.year*******
TUOL0081EntrepreneurshipV53.year, 4.year*****
TUOL0015LogisticsV33.year, 4.year*****
TUOL0052Corporate Information System ProjectV33.year, 4.year*****
TUOL0080Marketing PlanningV43.year, 4.year*****
TUOL0018Business Skills and PracticesV33.year*****
TUOL0038Doing Business in RussiaV33.year*****
TUOL0020European UnionV33.year*****
TUOL0082Industrial MarketingV43.year*****
TUOL0084Study Tour to St. PetersburgV34.year*****
TUOL0054Working in International OperationsV33.year*****
TUOL0053Selling SkillsV33.year*****
T0168Basics of programmingV34.year**
T0079PC AssemblyV34.year****
T0119Application programmingV33.year, 4.year***
T0018Data base managementV34.year**

Elective Studies
