in English

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering YKP06S 1st Year

Principle of year

Fundamental skills of a chemical engineer

Target of education

Common Basic Studies

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

International and intercultural skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
KIELY0163Finnish for TechnologyP21.year**
KIELY0113English for Working Life and TechnologyP41.year**
FYSLY0001Engineering PhysicsP61.year*
FYSLY0003Physics laboratoriesP31.year, 2.year*
KEMLY0001Chemistry and environmentP31.year**
MATLY0111Basic Course in Mathematics AP51.year*
MATLY0112Basic Course in Mathematics BP51.year*
MATLY0113Differential equationsP31.year*
TUOLY0060Introduction to EntrepreneurshipP31.year*
TIEL0006Introduction to computingP31.year**
TIEL0002Application developmentP31.year***

Professional Studies

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
KEMLY0004Inorganic chemistryP31.year*
KEMLY0005Inorganic Chemistry, laboratory courseP31.year
KEML0018Analytical ChemistrySoveltava kemiaP31.year*
KEML0021Analytical chemistry, laboratory courseSoveltava kemiaP31.year*
Y0079Environmental Chemistry and EcologyYmpäristö, laatu ja turvallisuusP61.year, 2.year***

Elective Studies

International and intercultural skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0089Introduction to Chemical EngineeringV21.year***
FYSLY0000Physics tutorialsV31.year*
MATLY0052Preparatory course in mathematicsP/V31.year*
KIEL0112Threshold EnglishT31.year**

Product development and project skills

Communication and interpersonal skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0501Industrial placement 1P151.year****

Chemical Engineering YKP06S 2nd Year

Principle of year

Applied chemistry and basics of chemical engineering

Target of education

Common Basic Studies

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

International and intercultural skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
KIELY0164Finnish for Chemical EngineeringP32.year**
KIEL0117English for Chemical EngineeringP32.year***
FYSLY0002Applied PhysicsP62.year*
FYSLY0003Physics laboratoriesP31.year, 2.year*

Professional Studies

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty

Knowledge of chemical engineering

Communication and interpersonal skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
KEML0034Physical ChemistryP82.year****
Y0075Fluid Flow and BalancesP62.year****
Y0092Automation TechnologyP52.year, 3.year*
Y0011Mechanical unit operations 1P32.year**
KEMLY0007Soveltava kemiaP32.year
KEMLY0011Physical chemistry laboratory courseSoveltava kemiaP32.year*
Y0079Environmental Chemistry and EcologyYmpäristö, laatu ja turvallisuusP61.year, 2.year***

Optional Professional Studies

Software engineering

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Information systems

Information security


Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0008Technical documentation and CADTietotekniikkaV32.year
T0168Basics of programmingTietotekniikkaV34.year**
T0079PC AssemblyTietotekniikkaV34.year****

Elective Studies

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
KIEL0066Basic SwedishT33.year

Product development and project skills

Communication and interpersonal skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0501Industrial placement 1P151.year****
