in English

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering YKP06S 3rd Year, specialization option : Environmental Monitoring and Impacts

Principle of year

Advanced understanding of chemical engineering

Target of education

Common Basic Studies

International and intercultural skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

kieli- ja vuorovaikutustaidot (T)

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
KIELY0020Professional SwedishP3Not defined***
MATLY0005Basic course in statisticsP32.year*
TUOLY0078Managerial and Financial AccountingP53.year**
TUOLY0077Introduction to MarketingP43.year**

Professional Studies

Knowledge of chemical engineering

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty

Knowledge of environmental technology

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Communication and interpersonal skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0066Industrial ProcessesP33.year*
Y0009Materials and mechanical engineeringP33.year
Y0012Mechanical unit operations 2P33.year**
Y0077Heat TransferP43.year*
MATLY0044Experimental designP34.year*
Y0019Biochemistry and microbiologySoveltava kemiaP33.year***
Y0078Environmental LegislationYmpäristö, laatu ja turvallisuusP33.year**
Y0080Mass Transfer OperationsProsessitekniikkiaP73.year****
Y0081Labs in Chemical EngineeringProsessitekniikkaP53.year****

Optional Professional Studies

Product development and project skills

Knowledge of environmental technology

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Knowledge of chemical engineering

Information systems

Software engineering

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0086Waste Disposal TechnologyYmpäristötekniikkaP/V33.year*****
T0018Data base managementTietotekniikkaP/V34.year**

Elective Studies

Product development and project skills

Communication and interpersonal skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0501Industrial placement 1P151.year****

Chemical Engineering YKP06S 4th Year, specialization option : Environmental Monitoring and Impacts

Principle of year

Chemical engineering as a profession

Target of education

Common Basic Studies

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Communication and interpersonal skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences

Professional Studies

Product development and project skills

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

Communication and interpersonal skills

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty

Knowledge of chemical engineering

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Knowledge of environmental technology

International and intercultural skills

Expertise in living and other biological materials

Technological and economical skills in bio and food processes and in production systems

Ethical and Ecological Skills

Economical Skills


CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0022Ympäristö, laatu ja turvallisuusP34.year
Y0040Quality and Environmental ManagementYmpäristö, laatu ja turvallisuusP34.year****
Y0026Chemical Reaction KineticsProsessitekniikkaP34.year****
Y0038Evaluation of Environmental RisksYmpäristömittaukset ja -vaikutuksetP34.year****
Y0002Life Cycle AssessmentYmpäristömittaukset ja -vaikutuksetP34.year*****
Y0087Environmental MonitoringYmpäristömittaukset ja -vaikutuksetP34.year******
B0042Environmental BiotechnologyYmpäristömittaukset ja -vaikutuksetP3Not defined*********
Y0088Project in Environmental EngineeringYmpäristömittaukset ja -vaikutuksetP34.year****

Optional Professional Studies

Knowledge of chemical engineering

Knowledge of environmental technology

Product development and project skills

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty

Marketing skills

Comprehensive competence in organization development

Technical and economic way of thinking

Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills

Software engineering

International and intercultural skills

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

Safety and quality skills

Expertise in living and other biological materials

Technological and economical skills in bio and food processes and in production systems

Ethical and Ecological Skills

Communication and interpersonal skills


Competence in principles of business operations

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
Y0082Process DesignProsessien suunnittelu ja käyttöP/V54.year*
Y0083Production Control and Maintenance of ProcessesProsessien suunnittelu ja käyttöP/V44.year*
Y0030Process SimulationProsessien suunnittelu ja käyttöP/V34.year*
Y0031Prosessien suunnittelu ja käyttöP/V34.year*
Y0084Control of Water PollutionYmpäristötekniikkaP/V54.year*
Y0034Control of Air PollutionYmpäristötekniikkaP/V34.year*
Y0085Control of Soil and Ground Water PollutionYmpäristötekniikkaP/V44.year*****
TUOL0015LogisticsTuotantotalousV33.year, 4.year*****
TUOL0080Marketing PlanningTuotantotalousV43.year, 4.year*****
TUOL0081EntrepreneurshipTuotantotalousV53.year, 4.year*****
TUOL0052Corporate Information System ProjectTuotantotalousV33.year, 4.year*****
T0119Application programmingTietotekniikkaP/V33.year, 4.year***
Y0070Renewable Energy TechnologyEnvironmental TechnologyV34.year*****
B0018Environmental BiotechnologyEnvironmental TechnologyV34.year
B0063Life-Cycle AssessmentEnvironmental TechnologyV34.year
B0062Environmental MonitoringEnvironmental TechnologyV34.year*******
Y0071Introduction to Environmental ManagementEnvironmental TechnologyV34.year****
TUOL0018Business Skills and PracticesTechnology BusinessV33.year*****
TUOL0020European UnionTechnology BusinessV33.year*****
TUOL0082Industrial MarketingTechnology BusinessV43.year*****
TUOL0038Doing Business in RussiaTechnology BusinessV33.year*****
TUOL0083EntrepreneurshipTechnology BusinessV53.year*****
TUOL0054Working in International OperationsTechnology BusinessV33.year*****
TUOL0084Study Tour to St. PetersburgTechnology BusinessV34.year*****
TUOL0053Selling SkillsTechnology BusinessV33.year*****

Elective Studies

Knowledge of environmental technology

Environmental, quality and safety knowhow

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills

Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty

Knowledge of chemical engineering

CodeName ModuleCrYearRelated competences
A01653D Piping DesignV34.year
Y0051Paperimassan valmistusV34.year
Y0090Waste Water TreatmentV34.year******
